How to Hide Followers on TikTok?

Hide followers on TikTok

In this post, you’ll learn how to hide followers on TikTok.

Your list of followers on TikTok displays the list of users you follow.

If your profile is public, anyone can see your contact list.

You can also see the contact list of people you follow by visiting their profile and clicking “Follow”.

However, the list of people you follow and the profile must be public.

Otherwise, you will get an error message when you click on the list of followers of that user.

The error message that appears is: “The tracking list is hidden due to this user’s privacy settings”.

If a user’s profile is set to private, you will not be able to see their contact list.

In this guide, you will learn how to hide your friends and followers list on TikTok.

How to hide the Followers list on TikTok?

To hide your list of followers on TikTok, you need to navigate to the menu and tap on “Privacy”.

Then tap on “List of people who follow you” and select “Only me”.

Once you select “Only me”, your list of favorites will be hidden from others.

If a user taps on your favorites list, they will receive an error message.

This is the error message they will get: “The list of people who follow you is hidden due to this user’s privacy settings”.

The “Tracking list” setting is located under the “Security” header.

By default, your watch list is set to “Everyone”.

In other words, everyone will be able to see your default watch list.

However, you can change the “Follow List” setting to make it private.

Here’s how to hide your follower list on TikTok:

  1. Go to the menu
  2. Tap on “Privacy”.
  3. Tap on “Tracking List”.
  4. Select “Only me”.

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Why hide the followers list on TikTok?

They are many reasons why you would like to hide your followers’ list on TikTok.

The number one is just for privacy matters and to avoid stalkers spying on you.

Also, thanks to the flexibility of TikTok settings, you can easily manage who can access your personal information or not.

So you’re just a few taps away from hiding your followers on TikTok!

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Can people see who am I following on TikTok?

Yes, people can see who you follow on TikTok if your profile is public.

However, if your profile is private, people will not be able to see who you follow.

In fact, your list of followers will automatically be hidden from others.

Also, if you have set the “Who can see your follower list?” setting to “Only me”, people will not be able to see who you are following.

If you are constantly facing stalkers, it is a good idea to hide your follower list.

This way, others won’t know who you follow on TikTok.

Your friend’s list is public by default, so anyone can see it.

Therefore, you need to change the setting “Who can see your list of followers?

You can also set your TikTok profile as private.

If your TikTok profile is private, others will not be able to see your contact list.

When they tap on your contact list, nothing happens.

You can make your TikTok profile private by navigating to the menu > privacy > private account.

If your TikTok profile is already private, you don’t need to change the “Who can see your contact list” setting to “Only me”.

Indeed, your friend’s list will be automatically hidden from other users.

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Is my following list public on TikTok?

Well, you’re trying to hide your following list on TikTok and wondering if your following list is public or not and that’s normal.

Well, it depends on your profile settings. If your TikTok profile is set as Private, only your followers will be able to consult your following list.

It means that anyone outside your follower list won’t be able to access your following list except if you accept them as followers.

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Can you see who someone is following on TikTok?

Yes, you can see easily who someone is following on TikTok.

The only requirement to do so is to be approved by this person as a follower.

Once you’re friends with the person, simply visit the TikTok profile and tap on “Following”, you’ll then see the list of people this person is following on TikTok.

It’s that simple.

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How to double-check if your TikTok followers list is private?

To ensure that your list of followers is kept hidden, it’s important to take a few steps.

First, you’ll want to make sure your TikTok account is set to private so that only approved users can access your profile.

Once you’ve done this, open the TikTok app and switch to the account you want to verify.

Tap on the “Discover” button at the bottom of the page, then search for your username in the search bar.

When you find your profile page, click on it to open it.

Finally, go to the profile and look for the “Following” section.

If you have properly hidden your list of followers, you should get an error message indicating that the list is hidden or the account is set to private.

By verifying that your follower list is hidden, you can ensure that only those you approve can see it.

FAQ hide followers on TikTok

Why hide the followers list on TikTok?

The number one reason is to hide your follower list for privacy reasons. You might just not want to share it publicly.

Can you see who someone is following on TikTok?

Yes, you can see easily who someone is following on TikTok. The only requirement to do so is to be approved by this person as a follower.

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