In this article, you’ll learn how to delete contacts on Telegram.
Telegram is a free messaging app, created in 2013, with one idea in mind, privacy by design.
Indeed, Telegram is an end-to-end encryption chat.
It means your conversations are encrypted from their server to your phone. Nobody can read it but you.
Telegram got successful and famous after Facebook’s bad buzz around privacy.
If you have been using Telegram for a while now, you must want to delete some old contacts on the app.
That’s normal, everyone does.
There are many ways to delete contacts on Telegram so it is not an issue at all.
In this article, we’ll cover the techniques to delete contacts on telegram.
Can you delete contacts on Telegram?
Yes, you can delete contacts on Telegram.
There are actually several ways to delete contacts on the Telegram app.
If you are using an Android or an iPhone; the techniques are slightly different.
Also, when you delete a contact from Telegram, the contact might show up again in the next few days on your friends’list. (because of auto-sync)
So in the next sections, you’ll learn how to delete forever a contact on Telegram.
How to delete contacts on Telegram
Before starting, you need to understand how Telegram contacts work.
By default, Telegram will sync up all your contacts and search for who has a Telegram account among your friends.
They will automatically show up on your friend’s list.
The reason is simple, the more contacts you have on Telegram, the more active you’ll be on the app.
So if you want to permanently delete someone from Telegram, you need to make sure this person is not on your contact list anymore or disable auto-sync (phone contact list).
Otherwise, even if you delete this person from Telegram when the contacts will sync up again, the contact will show up on Telegram again.
So make sure you disable auto-sync before starting.
How to disable auto-sync contacts on Telegram?
To disable auto-sync contacts on Telegram, follow these steps:
- Open the Telegram app
- Navigate to settings
- Tap on Privacy and security
- Toggle on “Disable Sync contacts”
- That’s it!
Now, you’re ready to delete forever contacts on Telegram.
Delete contacts on Telegram on iPhone
If you’re an iPhone owner, the technique to delete a contact on the telegram app is a bit different than on Android.
Follow these steps to delete contacts on Telegram on iPhone:
- Open your Telegram app
- Tap on Contacts at the bottom left (nav bar)
- Tap on the contact you want to delete (or search for it with the search bar)
- Tap on the Edit button
- Tap on Delete contact
- That’s it!
As you can see, it is pretty simple to delete contacts on Telegram. It only takes a few clicks and the contact is gone forever.
Delete contacts on Telegram on Android
To remove contacts from Telegram using an Android device, follow these steps:
- Open Telegram
- Tap on the menu icon (bottom left – 3 lines)
- A slider will show up – Tap on Contacts
- Tap on the contact you want to delete (or search for it using the search bar)
- Tap on the 3 vertical dots to open the user settings
- Tap on Delete
- That’s it.
The technique to remove a Telegram contact on Android is slightly different as the app is not built the same way, but the result is the same; you delete the person.
How to mass delete contacts on Telegram
Well, using Telegram mobile app there is no way to mass delete contacts on Telegram.
However, if you use the desktop version of Telegram, you can easily mass delete contacts.
Indeed, on the desktop version, Telegram has a feature to select multiple contacts and do mass actions like deletion.
What happens when you delete contacts on Telegram?
When you delete contacts on Telegram, it is usually pretty straightforward.
After deleting the contacts, the conversation with the person will be deleted and you won’t be able to contact this person anymore (unless you search for it in the search bar).
However, if you didn’t block the contact, the person will still be able to contact you.
The contact will simply not appear in your contact list anymore.
Why deleted contacts appear on Telegram?
It is true, deleted contacts might still show you in your Telegram contact list or in the recently contacted bar.
The first reason a contact still appears on Telegram after deletion is that you didn’t disable the auto-sync on Telegram.
Indeed, as said earlier, Telegram auto-sync by default your phone contacts with the app to build up your friends list.
To delete forever a contact on Telegram, make sure you disable that Synchronisation feature as explained before.
Also, if you just deleted someone on the app, the person might still show up in the recently contacted bar (when you open the search bar).
That’s normal, you can either clear the cache of the app or just wait a few days to make it disappear.
Read also: How to See Mutual Followers on Instagram
Will the persons know if I delete them from Telegram?
No, the contacts will not know if you deleted them from Telegram.
There is no such feature on Telegram.
Indeed, Telegram really values privacy and doesn’t build such features that are against privacy.
It is your right to delete someone from Telegram and the other person doesn’t need to know.
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