How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Post?

How to see who saved Instagram post

In this post, you’ll learn how to see who saved your Instagram post.

A while ago, Instagram released a new feature that allows anyone to save/bookmark any Instagram post so you can easily find it again.

That’s pretty smart, to be honest, and this feature is used by millions already.

However, when you’re a creator on Instagram, you might want to check out the list of people who saved your Instagram post.

How to know who saved your Instagram post?

Instagram doesn’t allow anyone to see the list of people who saved your post, unfortunately.

It is for sure for privacy reasons that Instagram doesn’t provide any list of people who saved the post.

So the save a post feature is completely anonymous.

However, there are several ways to kind of find out who saved your Instagram post.

  • Checking out your Instagram insights
  • Asking your followers

Turn your personal profile into business account

The first thing to do in order to get some insights and statistics about your Instagram posts, Instagram activity, and more is to turn your profile into a business one.

Indeed, by setting your profile as public and professional it’ll unlock many insights features that give great value to creators.

Here is how you can turn your profile into a business account:

  1. Go to your Instagram feed and open the parameters menu
  2. Tap on account
  3. Scroll down and tap on “Switch to business account”
  4. Done!

Once done, you’ll be able to see when your followers are the most actives, where they are from, their demographic data and much more.

However, you won’t be able to see who saved your Instagram posts as mentioned earlier.

Ask your followers

The only solution that actually works to know who saved your Instagram post is to ask your Instagram followers.

There are several ways to do that.

You can check out the list of people who liked your post, then DM them individually.

This approach is much more personal and you will likely get many answers but it is a very manual and slow way to know who liked your Insta post.

The other solution we found is to directly ask your followers in a story using either a poll or just a regular question.

Once the users answered your poll, you can see the full list of people who said “Yes I saved it” for instance.

This is the faster way we found to see who saved your latest post and to get an accurate list.

Why you should track how many people saved your post?

Tracking the number of people who saved your Instagram post is very interesting data.

Indeed, you can easily see what people like the most about your content and focus on what works best.

You can also cross-check if the most liked posts and the most saved ones too. That way you can start to draw conclusions and provide your audience a better content in-fine.

So be sure you track how many people saved your post on a weekly basis.

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