Find out through our tutorial how to delete a message on Instagram and from both sides.
The delete message feature was recently added on Instagram.
You sent a message to a friend on Instagram and regret it?
No worries we got you covered.
In this post, we’ll go through the steps to take to delete an Instagram message from both sides, so your friend doesn’t see it.
Also, we’ll explain the steps to delete a conversation for everyone.
How to delete a message on Instagram on both sides?
It is very simple to delete a message sent on Instagram.
Just go to the conversation and press the message you want to delete.
Then press the “Remove” button.
This message will be deleted for you as well as for your recipient.
If you are using the web version of Instagram, click on the 3 dots next to the message and then on the “Remove” button.
Note that the sender of the message is the only person who will be able to remove their messages.
Indeed, it is impossible to delete a message you didn’t send on Instagram.
Unlike other messaging apps, the option to undo sending a message on Instagram is not available.
If you want to remove a message without being seen, you must quickly remove it before your recipient reads it.
How to delete a message on Instagram without being seen?
Simply follow the steps before deleting a message on both sides on Insta.
If the user didn’t read your message yet, you still have time to remove your Instagram DM without being seen!
Once deleted, the other user won’t receive any notification and won’t see “Message deleted” in the conversation.
So you can delete your Instagram DMs safely if they haven’t been opened.
How to delete a conversation on Instagram from both sides?
If you want to delete the whole conversation on Instagram, tap the conversation in question and then click the “Delete” button if you are using an Android smartphone.
If you are using an iOS device, move the conversation to the left and press “Delete”.
The conversation will be permanently deleted and gone, but only for you.
When you open a new conversation with the same person, you won’t find the old messages.
Your recipient always keeps this conversation.
It is indeed not possible to delete an Instagram conversation for everyone.